Webinar on Recent Updates in Pediatric and Adolescent Young Adult (AYA) Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)

Focus on Middle East Region


Aptitude Health has organized this webinar on recent updates in pediatric and AYA ALL, which will include information from ASH 2020, ASCO 2021, EHA 2021, EBMT 2021, as well as recent/upcoming peer-reviewed papers.

Experts will share their insights on enactment of new paradigms, including administration of new treatments such as bispecifics and patient monitoring and management. They will also discuss strategic implementation of minimal residual disease (MRD) monitoring.

Date and Location

September 9, Virtual Meeting

Meeting Content

View the slides and watch the video of the webinar on Recent Updates in Pediatric and AYA ALL: Focus on Middle East Region


Patrick Brown

Patrick A. Brown, MD

Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, USA

Franco Locatelli

Franco Locatelli, MD, PhD

University of Rome
IRCCS Ospedale Pediatrico
Bambino Gesù, Italy


This meeting is planned as a 1 hour virtual Event
Faculty: Patrick Brown, MD and Franco Locatelli, MD, PhD
6.00 PM – 7.00 PM AST (Arabia Standard Time)
7.00 PM – 8.00 PM GST (Gulf Standard Time)
Time Topic Presenter
7.00 PM – 7.05 PM GST Welcome and Introductions Franco Locatelli, MD, PhD and Patrick Brown, MD
7.05 PM – 7.15 PM GST Current Paradigm and Long-term Toxicities for Pediatric ALL
• Integration of innovative immunotherapies
• Role of MRD in treatment
• Long-term toxicities
Franco Locatelli, MD, PhD
7.15 PM – 7.30 PM GST Bispecifics for Pediatric/AYA ALL
• Review of trial results in pediatric/AYA ALL
• Role of MRD in research and treatment
• AYA considerations
Patrick Brown, MD
7.30 PM – 8.00 PM GST Questions to Experts Franco Locatelli, MD, PhD and Patrick Brown, MD