Treating Acute Leukemias
in Europe

Next-Gen Leukemia Care: From Global Congresses to your Clinic


This 2-day virtual program offers a comprehensive overview of the latest clinical updates and novel treatment strategies for acute leukemia, presented by experts. Attendees will have the opportunity to gain knowledge on optimal treatment of patients with leukemia, join patient case-based discussions, and interact with experts.

Date and Location

October 16, 2024, Webinar
18.00 – 21.00 (UTC+1) Central European Time

October 17, 2024, Webinar
18.30 – 21.30 (UTC+1) Central European Time

Meeting Content

View the slides and watch the video of Day 1

View the slides and watch the video of Day 2


Elias Jabbour

Elias Jabbour, MD

MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

Naval Daver

Naval Daver, MD

MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA


Charles Craddock

Charles Craddock, CBE, FRCP (UK), FRCPath, DPhil

Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Nicola Gokbuget

Nicola Gökbuget, MD

University Hospital Frankfurt, Germany

José Maria Ribera

Josep-Maria Ribera, MD, PhD

Catalan Institute of Oncology, University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Spain


This 2-day interactive virtual meeting with global experts will focus on the treatment of patients with acute leukemia in various countries within Europe.

Day 1: Follow interactive presentations and case-based discussions on the latest updates for ALL and AML prognosis and management, including the role of MRD, risk stratification, and long-term safety considerations, and engage with the faculty in panel discussions on optimal treatment, patient access, and regional challenges in Europe.

Day 2: Join to learn more about current approaches for relapsed ALL and AML, considerations for AYA ALL management (including case-based discussions), and the evolving role of transplantation, and interact with faculty during a panel discussion on how first-line therapy influences subsequent treatment.

Day 1: Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Time (UTC +1) Topic Presenter
18.00 – 18.10 Welcome and meeting overview Elias Jabbour
18.10 – 18.25 Latest achievements and developments in ALL and AML Elias Jabbour
18.25 – 18.40 Review of prognostic value of MRD in ALL and AML Josep-Maria Ribera
18.40 – 18.50 Best practices for first-line treatment in ALL Elias Jabbour
18.50 – 19.05 AYA patients with ALL: What is the current treatment approach for this diverse patient population? Special considerations for adolescents and young adults and how we can use this experience in adult patients Nicola Gökbuget
19.05 – 19.35

ALL case-based panel discussion

  • Case ALL: elderly/frail
  • Case ALL: AYA
Elias Jabbour and case presenters
19.35 – 19.45 Break  
19.45 – 20.10 Genetic characterization and risk stratification of AML; role of FLT3 and IDH in AML and special considerations for young and fit patients Naval Daver
20.10 – 20.25 Therapeutic approaches in high-risk and frail patients with AML Charles Craddock
20.25 – 20.50 Panel discussion: Open questions in ALL and AML – regional challenges (transplant, CAR T, studies, and other) Elias Jabbour and all faculty
20.50 – 21.00 Session close Elias Jabbour

Day 2: Thursday, October 17, 2024

Time (UTC +1) Topic Presenter
18.30 – 18.40 Welcome to Day 2 Naval Daver
18.40 – 19.00 Current treatment options for relapsed ALL in adult and elderly patients Elias Jabbour
19.00 – 19.20 Long-term safety considerations for leukemias (focus on ALL) Nicola Gökbuget
19.20 – 19.40 Current and future role of transplantation in acute leukemias in Europe Josep-Maria Ribera
19.40 – 19.50 Break  
19.50 – 20.10 Current treatment options for relapsed AML in adult and elderly patients Charles Craddock
20.10 – 20.40

AML case-based panel discussion

  • Case AML: young high-risk
  • Case AML: elderly
Naval Daver and case presenters
20.40 – 21.20

Panel discussion: How treatment in first line influences further therapy approaches in ALL and AML

  • Will CAR T and bispecifics change the treatment landscape?
  • Role of HSCT – is it still necessary?
  • What does the future look like? Adoption of therapies and evolving standards of care in Europe
Naval Daver and all faculty
21.20 – 21.30 Session close Naval Daver